Wednesday, August 3, 2011

(E.A. Part 7)

This morning I woke up to someone pounding on my door. It was 6:30. Thirty minutes before our wake-up call. I through a shoe at Tyler, put on some pants, and opened the door. Tyler's sister was at the door because I guess in a weird state the night before we all asked her to wake us up in the morning. She continuously woke us up for the rest of the trip so we could have more time to wake up. Me and Tyler put on our "ITALIANA" sweatshirts and our sunglasses. Then we sprayed ourselves with the AXE and walked on. We got to the lobby and went to breakfast with everyone else. There wasn't much of a choice. There was cereal and warm milk, or bologna and ham. I just had some coffee and ham. Our destination for the day was Venice and it was awesome. We rode on the bus to the train station and then we took a 45 minute train over and under water. It was insane. A kid named Morgan had a panic attack because he didn't like trains, or being over water or something. Once we got off the train and walked around the station for a little bit, we walked over to the Entrance into the city and we instantly saw the gondolas and the water and all the fun and shops and it was beautiful. Jake and I were partners for a bit. We got lost at one point and started running around with our little translation book asking for people to direct us towards our group. We figured out that they were at a glass making shop and we ran after them. We go there and saw a pro working over an oven with a gooey substance. He then formed it into a horse and it froze into a solid. It was really cool. He made an item right in front of  us that was sold in the shop for 320 Euros. Me and Brian got a little glass jewel that was 25 Euros each. It was really cool. After that we walked into a square area in the middle of town. We had someone explain stuff to us about an old church. There were pigeons everywhere so me and my group started drop kicking them everywhere. It was insane. At one point we had free time where we got in groups and walked all over the city. I was in a group with my friends Cole, Kara, Abbey, Megan and Jake. We got some ice-cream and we bought Cole another watch because his was smashed by the very lovely Mrs. Kara Belsky. The events leading up to it were pretty funny. Every day that we got in groups together Abbey got lost and couldn't find anyone for an hour. It happened almost every day because she wouldn't tell anyone where shes going. We soon started calling it the "where's Abbey game". On this day I think we found her in a church talking to some monks in orange robes. After that, we lined up and got ready for a Gondola ride. Jake and I had a little bit of a let-down for the gondola rides. We weren't aloud to ride with the people we wanted to ride with so we had to sit with a a few people we didn't quite know yet. We took alot of pictures and we almost tipped the boat into crab-infested waters. We then went to lunch with a crazy intertainment system. We all had vegan raviolli. A guy comes out of nowhere and starts playing the accordian right behind Cole, Kara, Maddy, and I. He scares the crap out of us and we all just about peed ourselves. He played alot of common songs. He then brought out ice-cream after a thirty minute show. After that we walked around the city a little bit in our groups and just toured the place. Then I grabbed Brian's shirt and pushed him so that he thought he was falling into the water. He yelled at a beast named Dylan because he thought he did it. Then a few hours later whilst we were in groups we went to dinner and went to a pizza place. The waiter gave me a bottle of water and told me to shake it up. I did and he started laughing his tail off at me because there was no cork on the bottle. So I got me and my friends covered in sparkleing water and it was really funny. When we were done with everything we went back to the hotel and played soccer out in the parking lot. Daisy had an amazing kick that sent the ball flying through a bush and onto the highway. We finally got it 10 minutes later. We kept playing and when I went up against JoJo the Soccer Pro I tore up my right soe for kicking the ball/ concrete too hard. I also later gained three scars on my hands and one on my left leg from being kicked with Brians cleated shoes. After Dr. Katelyn bandaged me up, Morgan came around and kicked the ball really hard trying to be funny. It again went through the bush and supposedly onto the highway. We searched for it for about half an hour untill finally we realized it was stuck in the bush barrier that kept the highway on one side and the hotel on the other. We climbed through the bush and recovered the ball , only to be told soon after that it was time for room-checks. Tyler knocked out at around 10. I stayed up and talked to people on a chat room that I set up on IM. Tomorrow was gonna be our long drive to Austria. It was gonna be fun.

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