Thursday, August 11, 2011

(E.A. Part 13)

Scary noise room

Day 13.
Today was the day that I was leaving my host family. I had a lot of fun but it was time to go. I had woken up really early so that I could get ready to leave. I took a shower. Packed up all of my (still damp) laundry. I also wrote a note to my family explaining my gratitude and respect towards them. I left that on the bed and we left. We had gotten to the sight pretty early. I saw all of my delegation members and we all hugged and got all dramatic and all, then we said good bye to our families and left on our bus. A few hours into the bus ride and we took a pit stop. I got a breakfast sandwich because I didn't eat anything that morning. We all stood around and some people got giant smoothies as a joke but the leaders got mad at them. We got back on the road and drove another hour until we got to a Concentration Camp. We grouped up outside and talked about the rules and regulations of the place. We got into groups and I walked with Allyson, Cole, Kara, Megan, and Jake. The girls got really scared because there was a building that you walked into that made horribly awful sounds that scared the hello out of everybody. We walked through the rooms and it was really hard to see how people had to live there and to see how hard that must have been. I wondered how it would have been for me if I had to go through all of that. We walked up and down the big road that had buildings on either side. We went down a set of stairs that had a big room at the bottom with flowers all over it. It was just a huge corridor system that had different horrible and painfully scary rooms everywhere. A few times while we were in the buildings me and a few people would feel something grab our leg or rubbing our next or something. And usually we would be standing up next to a solid object and no one had jokingly tried to scare us so we were pretty freaked out. We went to go sit down on the gravel road and talk and take pictures. Just to take a break of touring. Later we all grouped up and left the camp. Joe and I found a soda machine and we got in a little trouble because it was "disrespectful to buy drinks outside a camp where people died". I didn't quiet understand their logic there but whatever. Afterwards we left and went to eat lunch at a 4 STAR restaurant. It was kind of a Viking Maiden type of theme. We had salad and soup for an appetizer with red flavored water. For a meal they mashed potato filled meat squares. It was really tasty. Once we had eaten, Dylan and I were searching for a bathroom. We walked through the kitchen, up three flights of stairs, past a gift shop, and through a few hallways. We then realized that the restaurant was also a hotel and we freaked because we were lost. We eventually found the bathroom and made our way back through the diner/hotel and we found our group. I left my table that I was sitting at with Maddy, Brian, and Daisy to go sit with my friends Cole, Kara, Megan, and everybody else. We talked and laughed at the costumes that the waiters and waitresses were wearing. After lunch we left to go on a city-tour quest through Salzburg City. We saw a really big church. I had a contest with my friend Jake on who could jump the highest and touch a metal bar the was nailed tothe cealing. I won but I cut my hand pretty bad, so Dr. Katelyn (not actually a doctor) brought out a band-aid kit and welded up my hand. We walked through the city some more and we saw a lot of little gift stands and street performers. We also went through the graveyard that was at the end of the movie "Sound of Music". It was really cool and flowers were everywhere. We then saw the apartment that Mozart had lived in. One of his family members lives there now. She was just an old woman that kept looking out the window. After we were done touring, we walked back to the bus stop and Gary picked us up. We went to a really amazing restaurant and had a cool  flakey pasta and soup that made your taste buds jump! On our way back to the hotel we realized it would take alot of manuvering to get the bus into the spot it needed to be. Gary worked and worked and worked and finally got us to pull a complete 360 degree turn and speed up with 2 feet of elbow room and not much time. He was a pro. This hotel was a little different. I got a room with Dylan and it was pretty neat. We bought Nutella and we were selling little pretzils covered in Nutella to everyone. We also bought some redbull and spilt it all over our bed. The hotel had a big game room right of of the entrance. It had bowling, putt putt, and an arcade with pool tables and gaming machines. Allyson, Cole, Kara and I played Putt Putt and we got to play until the third hole but Kara fell over and started crying. She had a major stomach problem and it really hurt her. So we took her to her room and she went to sleep. The rest of us just hung out around the hotel and talked and told stories of our lives back home. When it was time to go to our rooms we said goodnight to everyone and left. Dylan and I had 5inch long nails so we left our room to go searching for finger nail clippers and we figured Libby had some so we borrowed hers. Then we just hung out and starred out our window the rest of the time. We went straight to bed after about an hour and a half. 

Street art figurines.

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