Day 10. Today I woke up in luxury with Dani and Kara pounding on my door to wake me and my roommates up. We took showers and got dressed and went to breakfast. It was an absolutely huge room that had three different visible levels that had tables and tables of amazing food on them. I sat with Brian, Tyler, and Cole and we all had this weird pasta and bologna & cheese. When we were finished we all headed back upstairs to get our luggage. We were all really disappointed to leave the hotel because it was by far our favorite one yet. The bus stopped in the middle of the city so we could have a city-quest adventure. It was basically a time where we split up into groups and each group got one delegation leader. We had to find certain points in the city and navigate through the city. My group that consisted of Me, Jake, Joe, Tyler, Brian, Liberty, Maddy, and a few other people had gotten the leader Mr. Coneway. Now Mr. Coneway was pretty cool so he didn't really care if we fallowed the map or not, as long as we got to the finish point in time. He was really just interested in taking pictures for his family. We went way off the map and had an awesome time. Joe, Jake and I had a contest to see how parkour we could be. We were jumping off of everything and we were being absolutely mental! At one point we were getting ready to go into a STARBUCKS and there was a metal chain that was hanging over a ditch and a few tires were in front of it. So I start sprinting towards it, jump and grabbed the chain and then swing over the tires. Jake tries to copy me and right off the bat he falls flat on his face. So we recovered our strength in the STARBUCKS with Mocha Frappuccino and scones. After that we found a really neat hot dog stand that sold "two foot long" hot dogs. They took giant loaves of bread and hollowed them out, filled them with condiments and then stuck two giant hot dogs in them. It was a really interesting experience and we were all amazed. There was a lot of public art and fountains in the city. Afterwards we walked up a random escalator that was just in the middle of the street, and we had a contest on who could run down the up escalator the fastest. Jake and I tied. We saw a little skate park and we were free styling and doing jumps and crazy stuff like parkour. I bought a snow globe but it kind of shattered later that day. I got another coffee and then we met up with our full delegation. We got back on the buses and went to the PRATER AMUSEMENT PARK. We met up outside the bus and walked to a little sausage stand. Nobody got anything because we had huge hot dogs an hour earlier. We started walking around and my group and I decided not to ride anything because we were going to be on a 3 hour trip after this activity and we didn't want to get sick. You had to pay fifty Euro Cents to go to the bathroom, which got really interesting. Once we were finished with the "fun" park, we got on the buses and made our way towards the meeting point for all of the home stay families. We were going to be gone for three days so we were all pretty sad to say goodbye. When we stopped and saw all the families grouping up, we got kind of nervous about who our families would be and how they would act. I was one of the last ones off the bus along with Tyler. When I got off I grabbed my luggage and was greeted by a girl named Valentina Zepletal. She was a month younger than me and she was really nice. She spoke pretty good English but I had to use google translate a lot. I also met her father at the pick-up point and he seemed pretty nice. But he was a pretty interesting character. But over all he was a pretty pro person. It was a thirty minute drive to her house and we talked about the area and school and such. When we got to her house it wasn't as shabby as I thought it would be. It was pretty small but it definitely had a long history to it. I met her bet rabbits and they were really cute. There was a white rabbit named snow drop and a brown rabbit named Bugs Bunny. I met her mother that day too and she seemed really nice. The whole idea about how they lived and did things was kind of creepy at first but I adapted pretty fast. I also met her brother. He was really cool and spoke almost perfect English. I didn't see him much of the time because he was in his room on the computer. He goes to a computer arts school so he was always working on it.
Her mother made us dumplings and eggs for dinner and we didn't eat much of it though. Then I figured out that they didn't have Wi-fi or Internet because her mom was afraid of radiation and I almost cried. They had set me a little space in Valentina's room and it came all too clear to me that she was a teenager because there were pop star pictures of KE$HA and Britney Spears and Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez and alot of other teen stars. She had posters everywhere and i stayed on a pink sheeted mattress with teddy bears everywhere. But I got used to it pretty fast and it didn't bother me much. Because at least I had a mattress to sleep on. We stayed up until 1 in the morning playing German Sorry the board game. That night I also started my laundry. I gave her all of my clothes that night expecting to get them in the morning, but I quickly realized that I wouldnt get them for 3 whole days until they dried because they didnt have a dryer. I had to wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt for three days straight :P Awesome.