(E.A. Part 4)

The fourth day was pretty awesome. We got up at around 7 and ate breakfast. We set off to a cool market place where there were tons of shops and street vendors. We were here to tour right outside the Vatican for a little bit. We got off the bus and walked to a port. We split up and walked around for a little bit. Cole and I negotiated with a street vendor and we got aviators that were originally €25 for about €3. It was so much fun. Then we got ice cream and tricked Sydney Boyd into buying a pink 2-piece swim suit for the 52 year old Mrs. Berry, and well... we later got in trouble... After we were done touring, we walked over a big bridge and through the city. We finally got to St. Peter's square and we needed to take a group photo next to a big structure. So Cole, Jake, and I got down on the ground and burned ourselves on the hot paved road that was cooking in the sun. Like we could have literally made an omelet in the middle of the Vatican. All three of us now have a scarred burn mark on our left arms:P we then got up and walked to a big church. We were in line for about 25 minutes and it got pretty hot, but once we got into the church, we all noticed there was a walking path system. There were barriers everywhere telling everybody where to walk. Me and my group snuck under, through, and over the barriers. The walls and statues were all made out of marble. It was absolutely fantastic! Once we weaved ourselves through the system, we got to the very back of the church and saw a miniature tower. We walked into it and soon realized it was a gift shop:/ Then we found an alter and started praying (for the pictures to be good). When our tour inside the Church was over, we walked outside and grouped up next to guards in fancy clothing. We took lots of pictures and had a lot of fun. Afterwards we walked over to a little house where a priest from within the Vatican lived. He talked to us about the Vatican and everything within it and told us to watch out for illegal items being sold by street vendors...Oooppss... He also mentioned that we should watch out for pick pocketers, because there is a lot of theft happening in The Vatican. Once we walked out of the little house, we started walking towards the Sistine Chapel. We got tickets and went in and saw a lot of famous ceiling portraits. We were not aloud to take pictures, but in fact our tour guild told us that Chinese people could because of some legal document that was signed a few years back. My leader went absolutely mental over that piece of info. We got to the end of the tour and we were stuck in a gift shop because our bus was late. I bought a few presents for my parents and siblings. When our bus picked us up we went on a 5 minute journey to another part of the city-state and got off. We then started walking to a pizza restaurant. Half way there me and my friends Cole, Kera, Megan, and Jake realized that we were walking past tons and tons of condom dispensers.They were everywhere and it was really funny. Our leaders started having a fit and said to stop pointing and laughing and to grow up and all that jazz. We finally got to the restaurant and we quickly realized we might not all fit into it. It was a pretty small place. We all had to get margarita pizza and ginger ale. It wasn't that bad, but we were all pretty used to that stuff. We had starring contests with Dani Spagnola. She got pretty freaked out. Then me and my BFF&E&E (best friend forever and ever and ever) Tyler figured out how to ask girls out in Italian and we worked it out with the waitress (; After dinner we walked back to the hotel. Our bus broke down and it was a 20 minute walk so it wasn't that bad. We got our rooms and room keys and I met up with Chris and Adam and we had an awesome night just chillin out and trying to work the un-existent wi-fi signal.
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